Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Here Again

I know. It's been a long while. I made a new blog. Don't hurt me.
But I'm here again.
And more than that, I'm here again. In this place where I have to write, but don't want to.
In looking over my posts for the past... oh wow. the past years - almost all the years of my college life (and only almost 'cause I'm not done yet) - I notice that there's a definite spike in blogposts during finals week. That and November. Go figure. I have no idea why November, but there it is.
I know why. I know the process. I'm frustrated by papers I don't want to write, school and I get into a fight, and I come to my blog to let off steam. I'm sure it makes for boring reading. Heck, this post contains the word "I" 15 times already. Probably 'cause it's so dang annoying not to be able to write papers in the 1st person. Or maybe not. Who knows.
Tonight, however, I'm facing the most pressure I've ever faced (if my memory isn't failing me - which it probably is, 'cause memories are never accurate. hear that? NEVER. memorize that fact. anyway...)
This semester, all my finals were papers. They all required 8 pages of me. The first one I turned in was exactly 8. The second was 13, but with corrections will probably end up being 15. The third currently is exactly 3/4 of a page. And it's due tomorrow at 4:30. I've never had this bad of a time-crunch.
So, why are you in this predicament, you ask. Well... because I intentionally left all of my writing until finals week. Yeah, yeah, I know, bad strategy. But I did most of the background work before finals. It was just the actual writing that had to be done, and my semesters have been getting progressively more demanding of my time. So I thought hey, it'll be fine, just leave the paper-writing for the week where all you have to do is write papers. Square peg, square hole, everyone can go home happy.
But here I sit, after 5 and a half days of intense synthesizing, outlining, reviewing, researching, and writing... and I'm bushed. I feel, as one friend so eloquently put it, like I'm on mile 22 of a marathon. It's 9pm. I was supposed to have at least 4 pages by now.... maybe I'll be there by 11. Maybe if I put my pedal to the metal and grit my teeth and crank it out, I'll have 4 pages by 11.
Here's hoping. I'm putting on my game face (more like rummaging around in the back of my mind's dusty attic, trying to remember where I put it) and- ahem! putting on my game face and writing.

okay. ready? GO!

(if you're still reading this, you must be suuuper bored (or avoiding other stuff you have to do, like me), so here's something else to keep you busy: go back through the archives and see how many times I've written a post just like this one. I bet it's at least 3. Bonne chance!)

Well, it is now 11 and I have 3 pages, and I'm getting into the flow of it. Things are looking up (slash looking possible). w00t!