Thursday, June 25, 2009

the muffin man, among other things

So lately I've been bored silly. What being bored silly has made me realize is that, whenever I don't have anything to do, I automatically look for entertainment in the form of movies/tv shows, novels, gossipy websites (like facebook), or online chatting. These are my three staples. My question:
You see, I'm pretty sure that there are much more interesting, profitable, adventurous things out there to do. I simply don't do them. Of course, one problem with finding Things To Do is that most of them cost money. But that's just an excuse. I could join a club, or a society, or research useless things online, or use the craft materials I already own to make something, or go to the gym/pool, maybe actually exercise my body... but NO! I do none of these things.
I'm pretty sure this says something fundamental about my nature as a person, or the nature of people in general. Not altogether sure what it is though... Something along the lines of, man seeks pleasure rather before anything else, or, I'm too comfortable with my lifestyle.
Of course, it's a rare time when I have absolutely nothing that I have to do. So, I'm pretty sure that this seeking entertainment is mostly habit, since generally if I have any time the spending of which I can dictate, I make a beeline for something I can do to relax/laugh a little.
But that's not a good excuse for my lack of go-do-it-iveness. (like my new word? :P)
Oh, I promised to talk about the muffin man. yes. Apparently, he lives in GA, because there's a Drury farm around here somewhere, so why wouldn't there be a drury lane?
This rather disappoints me, because I always thought he lived in England. Ah well.
over 'n out.

Friday, June 19, 2009

...if i could feel the world turning

once upon a time there was a girl so sensitive to the universe that she was born feeling the earth spin. because of this, she always felt like she was rushing toward something far, far in the distance, and always in the same direction. she became really good at things like hiking and driving, because, as her mother said, it was like she had her own internal compass. of course, her mother didn't know that her daughter felt like she was constantly falling sideways- all she knew was that ever since she was a baby, her little girl had known exactly which way she was going.
for the girl, every thought was in terms of with, against, or beside. it's hard to say whether or not she realized that she was different from other people in this way. so many people think in terms of with/against, although of course, not quite as literally as she did, that she could get along with most people just fine without ever noticing the difference.


just fyi, the idea came more from here
than from Dr. Who, although he does mention feeling the world turn. =)
Also, I don't think I'll ever actually continue this, so whoever reads this, feel free to think up the rest of it. :P

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The realities behind my lack of romantic entanglement. Posted here on the web for any surfer to see. I figure, tons of other ppl spill their guts here, why can't I? What I have to say is not embarrassing or private. So, the facts.
1. I firmly believe that a relationship begins in friendship.
2. I have yet to make a guy friend that I want to go out with.
3. I'm not really sure how I'd know anyway.
4. I just can't make the first move. And I seem to miss other ppl's, which doesn't really help matters much.
5. I find I need to be comfortable with most of the rest of my life before I'm willing to put myself on the relationship market. It just seems like you've got a 75% to 80% chance of getting hurt, and I need for that relationship not to be the one that makes or breaks my entire life's contentment.
6. I just don't know how. How to approach such a thing, how to enter it, how to behave within it. For all the stories and movies and books I know, for all the people I've watched go through these things, I'm still pretty clueless.
So there. The truth. I doubt more than 5 people will see it. I doubt that they will be people who would attempt to harm me with this information.
But would the world PLEASE stop bugging me about it? Contrary to popular belief, a romantic relationship IS NOT the answer to all of life's problems.
over 'n out.