According to Angela, there are no toads, because all toads are really frogs. Well, I don't know how true that statement is (from a strictly scientific point of view, probably not very) but whatever you call that amphibian that starts out as a tadpole and then grows up to make some raucous (sp?) noise, that is what I found today in abundance. In fact, there's a bunch of them croaking away outside my window right now.
We've been seeing frogs/toads on the road for several days now. It's so wet down here that they just thrive (plus there're plenty of bugs to snap up with sticky tounges. Mosquitoes at least 2.5 cm long.) So this evening, in a pleasant little rainstorm (as opposed to the lightening and thundering we had last night) I decided to go out and catch some. Yes, I went frog-hunting. And great fun it was, too!
I caught four frogs, three of the same species and one little one that could hop further than all the rest put together (several of this variety got away from me, on account of their hopping so fast and far. I'm sure anyone watching me chase the little buggers would have been greatly amused ;) ). I put them all in a bucket together, one that we had around for groceries, and that was, well... maybe not the best of ideas. Interesting, for sure. Let's just say that I witnessed the forming of a few future frog/toad families. (Actually, with frogs and toads, the process is not that interesting. The female secretes the eggs, and all the male does is sort of crawl over her back and release sperm over the eggs. Woohoo for AP Bio... stuff you're not sure you ever wanted to know!) Anyway. So then I was foraging out into the rain again (beautiful, soft almost-warm rain)
Oh, and another thing about the frogs. Three of them could have cared less whether I talked or not. They were just sort of... catatonic. But the last frog I got in there (I think it was the male, because it promptly started crawling over all the other frogs) listened to my voice and followed it. No joke. I stood on all different sides of the bucket (it has a pretty wide bottom, and high sides) and talked, just to make sure. I swear that toad looked at me and followed the vibrations of my voice. Must have been the right frequency or something.
So yeah, that was my day :). That and sorting scads of shells picked up from the beach.
Good night all! and a wonderful Monday to you.
How fun! I love catching frogs! See ya tomorrow!
YAY!!! I am so glad you put pictures up of the toads and purple crab! What kind of amazing artist must have painted that crab? I miss you friend!
and I love your blog!!!
Okay, let me introduce myself. My name is Christine, as you can see. I live near Michaela and have known her for 12 years.
Now, let me explain myself. Michaela and I know another Kate who lives in the nearby area who is from New York. So, when I saw your blog on Michaela's, I though, "Kate has a blog!"
So, this morning when I saw "the other Kate" I said, "I love reading your blog." The other Kate said, "What blog?" Oops!
Anyway, I hope you didn't think I was some kinda weirdo. Michaela said I should keep reading your blog. You can read mine, too, if you'd like.
Nice to meet you.
Frogs and Vacations?
Happiness? no Thanks! XD
Yes, the other Kate is the one you met in Hungary. Too funnny, huh?!!!
I'd be honored for you to read my blog, too.
hahaha!! Purple crab, hurrah! And Kate went afrog-hunting, eh? I can see you out there, hehe. Sounds like fun :) Over here, my first instinct when I hear that raucous ribbitting out near the pool is, "Joseph, where's your airsoft gun?" :D
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