Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have thought of several things, lately, that I could write about on here. Deep, useful, insightful things. Curious things. Things that would probably interest only me. Funny things.
But at this moment, in this instant of the rushing, sliding, slithering thing that is time, I feel the need to communicate one thought to the void:

I cannot (coherently) write (papers) after 11:30 PM.
Not if I want to get readable, non-stupid results.

With that, I bid the void good night.

(Do voids notice night? Would they care if they did? Why should they? What would a map of the internet look like?)

1 comment:

Annalisa said...

LOL!! Been there, done that :) Although, for me, it is AFTER 11:30 that my papers start sounding cool :P