Tuesday, October 27, 2009

oh, retina

late at night, my bed looks lonely.
like it knows that this is the time of the day when it should have company.

Today was gray all around. gray sky, gray sidewalk, men in gray suits. The trees are still green though, and beginning to turn all those beautiful fall colors: crimson and scarlet, gold and yellow. And a while back I discovered a bush that makes berries as bright blue as a summer sky, and on the same cluster, dark purple berries, and red ones. Writing it down now, it doesn't sound particularly spectacular, but I assure you the colors are totally unexpected. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow morning to prove it to you. They're lovely. Really.
and here they are!


You know, when people ask me what my favorite color is, I have taken to saying that I love them all too much to pick one. I then go on to explain that I don't find colors nearly as beautiful alone as they are when juxtaposed. Side-by-side, contrasted and cooperating, colors are pure harmony. Alone, they're just... eye-numbing, if that makes any sense. Feel free to extrapolate that into whatever metaphor you wish- about diversity, about Paul's whole "parts of one body" concept, about respecting different peoples' opinions... I really just absolutely love color, and love that God put it here, and gave us the ability to see it.
over 'n out.

1 comment:

hannah said...

i agree, colors do look better when they are mixed together!