Monday, October 13, 2008

One More Adventure

People didn't use to give me nicknames. My name has always been so weird in Europe that no one bothered to alter it to make it memorable. Here, though, it seems to be a favorite passtime of peoples' to give their friends nicknames. The latest ones are Kitty, Katie, Kiet, Katie-love, and Mims. However, since these show a slight lack of creativity, i have come up with one for myself that I find to be the most accurate: Absentminded Professor.
The accuracy of this nickname was once again proven last Sunday. I was going to take the bus (well, shuttle- I'm told there's a difference)I went to the bus stop and sat down, reading some HW to do what great and elevated people call "using one's time wisely" (psha. another euphemism for keeping busy and not enjoying the day). As I was saying, I sat and started to read. And read... For a long. time. Finally, the bus (sorry, shuttle) came, and I quickly got on. It seemed a little odd to me that someone would carry a carpet to the shopping center, but then, they could be going to the other part of campus. As we rode through the town and I finished my reading, I looked up. Things looked a little strange, not like I remembered from the last time I went to the shopping center. I only came to a full realization of my mistake as the bus (sorry, sorry. Shuttle.) got on the highway. Then it clicked. This was the shuttle to the secondary campus- the one about an hour away from main campus. Oh joy. I spent most of the trip up getting to know a sympathetic, chatty Sophmore and was blessed with an hour of empty travel time on the way back.
So though I had mounds of work to do that day, I found myself forced to relax. It was kind of nice. However, I don't think I'll be making the same mistake twice... then again, I just might. ;)
And that, ladies and genlemen, was my scrape for the week. Here's hoping being a second semester freshie will mean I'm a little more... aware of my surroundings. :P
Goodnight, and good cheer to all.
the Absentminded Student

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