Monday, July 19, 2010

Guess what???

I WENT TO A BASEBALL GAME!! Yes! Me! This girl, right here! I hav- sorry, haD never been to a baseball game in my entire life. Not even little league. Granted, my upbringing wasn't exactly conducive to it... more like conducive to soccer matches, but hey. It was really cool. Mostly I just felt.... incredibly American, hah! I did not, however, have a hot dog. Before you groan, don't worry. I had ribs. Which are ALWAYS better than a hotdog- ribs are another recent discovery of mine. :P My friends really laughed at me when I ordered them at Chili's and literally did not know how to eat them... and then proceeded to declare myself in love with them. However, the relationship is well-established now, and ribs will always win out over a hot dog, hands down.
That said, it was a really fun time, and such a new atmosphere. Have I mentioned, I love new things? 'Cause... yeah, I do. There were these little kids in front of us who SO wanted to get on that between-innings camera. They'd jump up and down and wave foam fingers every. single. time. the teams switched.
Anyway. I just felt like proclaiming that to the world. About having been to a ball game. I could go on about the experience, but I have a feeling that I might bore whoever's reading, since baseball games are a fairly common event, from what I gather. :P Suffice to say that I'm glad I got to go.
Over 'n out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it seems you are really excited of the whole concept...of trying out new things....keep us updated with your new seem to be a lot fun....
