Thursday, January 20, 2011


::For a summary of this entry (if you'd rather not hear me whine) skip to the last sentence::

The older I get, the more I realize how much of a dolt and an idiot I really am. This amazing phenomenon alternately called time and age is also teaching me that there isn't anything that spectacular or special about me - except perhaps my particular brand of idiocy.
What sparks these reflections, you ask? Among other things, my inability to articulate what a confound variable is, or why it is difficult to be objective in Psychology; my inability to understand the terms functionalism and Functionalism, how they connect, and how to apply them to different scenarios; and my inability to answer the question of whether or not Functionalism would be an adequate way of describing cockroach intelligence.
My brain feels muddled and slow compared to that of my peers, which is not usually the case- and I didn't even know it had gotten that way! Ugh! Mind you, I realize that the above are not the easiest, most commonplace tasks in the world, but it's not like I haven't been exposed to those ideas! I had gone into those classes Prepared. I had done the homework. I had done the readings. I just couldn't keep up with the verfluchte lectures.
But I am wondering if perhaps I am simply out of practice because of vacation, or if I hadn't prepared enough. Or is it a matter of habits of thinking, am I more used to different types of mental exercise? Or is my brain really getting duller as time passes?

Ahem. What it boils down to is that I just despise feeling stupid or not "getting it".
good gracious, this is going to be an interesting semester.
over 'n out.

1 comment:

hannah said...

you're smarter than me, but i know what you mean. hdl chica