Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There is something unspeakably awful about having writer's block in only the one subject you HAVE to write about. I could write sonnets about the stars, hai-ku's about facebook, tirades about music, or professors, or time, or dance, or the book I'm supposed to be writing about- about 20 different themes that I discovered in it.
But I find it simply (nearly) impossible to turn out anything intelligent on the subject of "how art relates to life" in Rainer Maria Rilke's The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. One would think that this would not be so difficult. One would think that, having discussed such things in depth in class, it would be a simple matter to set them down, and add to them as I saw fit, in beautifully worded, flowing, convincing english. But no! Alas, my usual writer's block before every essay has struck. It is a typical thing, I realize this. Every time I am assigned an essay with a prompt, I go through a period of panic in which I have no idea what to set down. It is simply a matter of unlocking and finding the ideas that I know are in there SOMEwhere... they just HAVE to be.
They have to be there....
and now, dear friends, I shall proceed to root around in the recesses of my goldfish tank and see what lovely golden fish are hiding in its depths....
if you'll excuse me.
Aha!! There was a fish... =) And now I shall write him down, scale for beauteous golden scale.


hannah said...

Rainer Maria Rilke writes beautiful poetry.

Eschew obfuscation! said...

i'm sure he does... he writes beautiful prose too. =)