Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ah, Life.

I am a reserved person. It is unusual that I will do something that defies the norm, or that is noticeably different from the standard of behavior I have established. But sometimes, it's nice just to let go and change things, shake up the routine. It gives life a little sense of adventure.
Today that sense of adventure asserted itself by wearing my scarf on top of my head to ward off the rain, instead of just enduring it like I usually would (I hate the feeling of my hair when it's been rained on- feels just as if it were dirty).
So, as I'm walking to the cafeteria, enjoying my different-ness amidst the sprinkle of drops, it occurs to me to wonder what would happen if a certain guy crossed my path- how amusing it would be, if Murphy's law would work for me like that, and what would his reaction be?
See, he grew up in the Middle East, and so his first thought would probably be "hijab," the head-covering worn by muslim women. It's unusual to see one around here in the first place... and so my thoughts progressed. And although the idea that he might actually see me persisted, I dismissed it as foolishness, since we rarely cross paths outside of class anyway.
(Those of you who have read a lot of books or know what Murphy's Law is can guess what happened next)
As I was rounding the corner of a building, continuing on my quest for food, lo and behold, who should round it from the other corner but the very person I was thinking of. I tell you, it was uncanny. At first, I just had to look at the sky, in utter disbelief. Then, the polite part of me kicked in, and I waved, said hi, and continued on my merry way- laughing and sighing at the irony of it all.

The only possible answer to this happening is- ah, life.
Plus, after I came out from the cafeteria, it had completely stopped raining. I think God is playing jokes on me. But, all in all, I'd rather he were. =)

1 comment:

hannah said...

yes, jokes make life more amusing and interesting for sure :)