Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"My bonnie lies over the ocean.
My bonnie lies over the sea.
My bonnie lies over the ocean.
Something something my bonnie to me?"

There. A tribute both to Meredith and Wooster all in one verse.
And now for something, completely different.

I finished vacuuming books today. Huzzah! Nasty, dirty, old books they were. And I mean every word of that last sentence literally. You see, this fortnight's project was to vacuum the dust off of the book collection of a dead man in England, whose 90-year-old wife donated it to the University Library. Go figure. Now, they didn't exactly give me all the pertinent information before I got this job... my boss said that they were books, they were rare, they were dusty, please vacuum them. So I said, well, ok.
It wasn't that he didn't tell me that a) it would be very tedium-intensive (since all library jobs are, that would've been redundant) or b) that it would be really really grimy (all old books are grimy- that's to be expected).
No, what irks me about the whole thing was that I was fooled into doing the job. From bits and pieces of conversations I deduce that it was a job that everyone else refused to do- and I wasn't told I had a choice. Nor was I asked if it would be detrimental to my health (aka, if I had dust allergies) until I was already on my way up there with the suuuuper-expensive vacuum in hand.
Fortunately for me, it doesn't seem to have been too detrimental to my health, and I got to be in a closed-off space all by myself where I could sing to my heat's content. Which came in pretty handy for practicing my part in a particularly tricky song I'm trying to learn. =)
Still, though I am only a lowly work-study student, and though I DO run random errands on occasion, it bruises my pride a bit that I was asked to do grunt work without even being told it's grunt work. Sigh.
All in all, I'm glad that's over with. Though I'll miss the empty halls and the solitude, I'd much rather have sunshiny-blue-sky-and-windy outside solitude any day.

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