Sunday, March 28, 2010

On my pictures II

Compulsive uploading to facebook.
Yep. I do. Whenever I attend an event, and take pictures, I immediately upload them to good ol' fcb as soon as I get home. And now I'm wondering... why? Usually, it's because I want other people to get the same joy out of that captured moment as I do, but lately I'm realizing... most people don't. Most people don't actually care about the pictures I've taken very much, let alone to the extent that I do. So then the question is, do my pictures have any purpose if people don't care to see them & take joy in them?
I'm having an identity crisis, folks. xD Why do I bother taking pictures? Seriously, I had to clean out my hard drive from last year's pictures, 'cause they were taking up all the space on my computer. People used to value photos. We still value old photos, because they are rare. Sometimes I wonder what the generation after ours will think about our pictures. Will they value the ten pictures of their mom climbing a tree with a dress on as much as the one picture of their great grandmother posing formally for her class photo in 1953? They'll be able to see the whole progress of their parents' growing up, from baby to twenty-three, as opposed to our generation, who (depending on who your parents are, of course) only gets to see glimpses of their parents' childhood: one snapshot from when your mom was 10, and her hair was all the way down her back; one photo of her when she was in Germany on a college study-abroad program; and one of when she was out-to-here with your older sister. Will it matter that our generations' photos aren't printed?
Anyway... just something I'm pondering at the moment. I'm not gonna stop taking pictures because honestly, despite the sheer volume of them, I do take them for memory's sake: a visual record of the places I've been and the people I've known. One day I'll print some of 'em out and put 'em in a book I'll make (from scratch, holla! :D).
over 'n out.

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