Sunday, March 14, 2010

On my pictures

Y'all... I'm so very honored when people make my pictures their profile pictures. Seriously. It makes my day. 'Cause it means that, of all the pictures of them that there are in the world, at the moment, that one is their favorite. It means that somehow I managed to capture the part of themselves that they like, their essence.
Today I'm happy three times over.
Of course, I'm happy for other reasons too. I just got back from Chicago Urban Program (, if you want to check them out on the web). It was a really awesome week, full of wonderful fellowship and a message from God that I really needed to hear.
Ladies and Gentlemen, by the grace and kindness of God, I have begun to be healed. Not physically, but spiritually. It's really beautiful to watch.
Anyway, I won't blather on about the details here. =)
It's time to get some sleep - I have swimming in the morning, and I've got to get rid of this cold by then!
over 'n out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I always try to let friends know when I download or repost their pictures, just so they get to feel special about it! Congrats! It's the little things...