Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If I'd had a dream

Today I had a tutee who reminded me of Imogen Heap, but Chinese. It was something about the structure of her face and the way she pronounced her vowels (she had spent time in Britain- I'm not totally crazy, y'all).
So then I started to imagine, well, what if I DID tutor Imogen Heap? - And then promptly realized that that could only ever happen in a dream. So. If I had had a dream about tutoring Imogen Heap, here's what it would've looked like:

Last night I dreamt that I was helping Imogen Heap edit her paper for English class. It was hard for her, because she only ever writes in song, and she couldn't seem to get anything down in prose. She kept trying to explain to me that she needed to condense her ideas all the way into one word, and she couldn't understand why I wanted her to change "which" to "who" ... She was up a tree, she said, and needed to get down, but couldn't find the branch she came up by. Eventually, we agreed that if I told her where the button on the tree-trunk was that would make the branch she wanted come out, she would use the right word in her essay. Then she was back on the ground with me, singing something about her heart, and I sent her on her way, saying that I couldn't help her WRITE the thing, I was only there to help EDIT, and she ought to get her ideas out onto paper first, before she came asking me things. Then she suddenly had a typewriter that was typing words into the air and I was trying to catch them, like bubbles, and put them into an organized sequence... but they kept popping as soon as I had more than one.

etc. etc.

Yes. I just wrote a fictional dream. Um... ? How to explain... I don't know. Sometimes you just have to write silly things, for the heck of it.

over 'n out.

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