Friday, October 29, 2010


If I see one more "moreover," "therefore," "thus," or "hence," beware, internet. I might scream, roll my eyes, or stomp off in frustration and be fired from (both) my job(s).

On a related note, I think that, for my sanity, I need to read some good fiction. Something with a plot, in well-written, fully correct English with a definite individual style. TV and movies won't cut it. I need a good infusion of prose! Please!

I think I may go borrow some Terry Pratchett from the Library after this... yes...

over 'n out.

p.s.: also- why does Friday night find me all by myself, surfing netflix? Where's ma peoplesssss?!?!?? THIS IS NOT HOW I IMAGINED COLLEGE, Y'ALL! My other years weren't like this? What happened? ...oh yeah. I moved off-campus. With only one person. Who happens to have a boyfriend, and enjoy spending time with him. Right. That happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know... I have the new Terry Pratchett book and you are welcome to borrow it from me should our paths cross... :)
idk, you might be able to get it from the library, but however you get it... IT IS PRETTY GOOD.