Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Memo on a TP dispenser

I do not understand why highschoolers are forced to get up at such inhumane hours. No one, but NO ONE should be made to get up before the sun rises on a regular basis unless they volunteer for it. Then any side effects they suffer are their own fault.

And now for something, completely different.

How do people stand pain? I know of ever so many people in pain. Mental pain, physical pain, emotional pain. Some people are hated by their parents, do not have any truly caring friends, cannot sleep, do not have any facility for learning, and will be kicked out of their homes if they do not fulfill some sort of condition. And yet they somehow manage to hide their pain enough to come to school or to work, smile and be friendly. You can only deduce what is going on in their lives from stories they tell or things they maybe do not intend you to see. Only today I saw, written on a TP dispenser in the girls' bathroom the words (please pardon the language; it is not my own) "Alone in this ass bitching world". It made me stop and think. I wished I had had a sharpie to write back, "Are you sure?". It sounds like something you would write in the throes of some emotional pain. Maybe you wouldn't mean it entirely, you would know you were exaggerating, but.... Sometimes, when I'm sad I play Polyanna's game- you know, where she concentrates on her blessings instead of her troubles. I confess, it doesn't usually help much. When I see things like the words on the TP dispenser, though... I don't know. That makes me wonder how much I really know about pain, and how serious my sorrows really are. Sure, they are valuable in their way, in that they cause me to grow; but how much more to those around me suffer? What should be my attitude towards others and their pain? How do I avoid being hypocritical? Is it realistic for me to want to help? Today, I returned to prayer, but I do not want to leave these ponderings at a stand-still. There is more to be thought out and done...
over 'n out.


Annalisa said...

love your new layout :) I love how you can put these hard thought into words so beautifully! When I read things like that, memos posted in the girls' bathroom, my heart breaks for them, yet I don't know what to do. How can I help, even if just a little? Then I realize, there is so much sadness and loneliness floating around, one of the best things i can do is, honestly, be myself. But, a more godly me, if that makes sense. Someone who truly cares for people, who understands their sadness, and, even though maybe her own troubles can't compare to the heart-wrenching experiences they are going through, and may not know how to make it less painful for them, at least try to be there, try to help, and love them for who they are.
Thank you for these wonderful reflections! Maybe we should always carry a sharpie around with us, to counter those depressed statements in the girls' bathroom?

Christine H. said...

Hey Kate,

I just saw your blog on Michaela's. So, I've been reading some of your past posts. Wow, this one is deep. I love it!