Thursday, May 28, 2009

no wonder...

No wonder teenagers have a reputation for being rebellious and angry.
Adulthood (such as I know it, anyway) is a rude awakening.
Wouldn't you be angry too?

Of course, I know that that's not the whole of it. It's about other things as well, like becoming your own person. But, well... this is how I see it right now.
Children are protected, made to believe they are special. No one criticizes them or ignores them, or tells them how little they really matter in the world. No, most children are the apple of someone's eye. So when they grow into the realization that, apple of that person's eye or not, their world so far has been all smiles and indulgences and kid gloves, and that they've left that world and are forbidden re-entry...
Wouldn't you be angry too?


hannah said...

kid gloves? hehehe

Eschew obfuscation! said...

hehehe. yeah. i made a pun! :P