Friday, November 13, 2009

Eschew Obfuscation...

...will never, never again go to sleep at 3:30 and then (attempt to) get up at 7:45.
But why, you ask. Other people get by on minuscule amounts of sleep. Why should you be different? I will tell you.
All I could think about when I got up was how tired I was. I went to find A & G so we could go meet E for breakfast, like we do every Friday. I had actually gotten up mostly 'cause I was psyched to see her- she's really busy, so we don't get to spend much time just hanging out like that. Anyway, I found them still grooming themselves, so I promptly curled up on A's bed to wait. And slept. Then we actually went to breakfast. We had an ok time, were almost through eating, when somehow the subject of work came up, and how A gets paid a bit more an hour than me and An, even though we do pretty much the same job. We started faux arguing about it, like we always do... and then for some reason, it got serious for me. I accused her of waiting 'til I was dead tired and not quick on my mental feet to argue with me, and asked that we stop. Which we kind of did, but then got sucked back into it, as will happen with us- at which point I decided I needed to just leave, because I was not going to be beaten in yet another argument by A, simply because I had the disadvantage of not being at full mental capacity. Also, it wasn't fair to E. I needed sleep.
So, I went promptly to the library (where I recently discovered the most amazing sofas on campus) and slept. And in my sleepy brain, I imagined that my Really Important Class started at 11:30, which is when it ends, instead of 10:40, which is when it actually begins. So I set my phone to ring at 11:15. Of course, it was only when I woke up at 11:15 that I realized what had happened. Let me be clear- this class? Yeah, it has no book, no text to study from. The professor doesn't think that any book is arranged properly. Which is all well and good, you don't have to spend book money on him. But it DOES mean that you have to be in EVERY. LECTURE. in order to ensure that you don't miss anything important. Plus, the material is detailed and somewhat complicated, so generally I have to record the lecture and listen to it twice to really cement it in my head. And this is the class that I inadvertently skipped, plus the class I intentionally skipped, dance.
So, what happened? I got pissed off at my friend for no reason, didn't get to enjoy my other friend's company, and played hookie both intentionally and unintentionally. All because of lack of sleep. Was staying up cooking for a big event 'til 3AM worth it? Only time will tell...
Never did I think I'd see this day.
Next thing you know I'll be going to parties and drinking alcohol. Yikes! (No, don't prepare yourself for that variety of stupidity- even sleep-drunk, that's not something that would appeal to me, ever.)
over 'n out.

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