Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Rainbow is a Promise

Yesterday ended a period of waiting. It's end was good- freeing - but also painful. When you finish a fast, you can't go right back to eating regular food... there's some transition that is necessary, and I think that carries over to other kinds of waiting, as well. Today, however, was full of restoration, including a rainbow. I even got to take a picture of it.
A rainbow is a promise between God and his people that he will never flood the earth again. To me, today, it meant that I can depend fully on him. The rainbow along with other things, like beautiful piano music where I didn't even realize there was a piano.
You know how sometimes, when you're really hungry, you eat protein (for me usually a ham-and-cheese sandwich) and you start to feel better, fuller, restored, right after the first or second bite? Sometimes music does that to me, though not in my stomach, of course. It was all the more beautiful for being unexpected.

A river, some ducks, some senior-picture-takers, a book, a friend, a work meeting, a pianist, a rainbow: a promise.

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