Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things that could change

Such as... how my most comfortable topics to discuss are: 1. school/work 2. God 3. other random shit I think "deeply" about for no apparent reason
For instance:
Friend: Why do you like seashells so much?
Me: Because they're beautiful and shiny. And I like the broken ones 'cause even when they're all broken and you can't even tell anymore what they were supposed to look like, they're still beautiful. And it reminds me of God and people, 'cause even when we're broken he polishes us and keeps us beautiful.
Friend: Oh, that's cool. You really thought about that.
Friend (later): You know, you could've just said that you just liked them, and I'd have been like, oh, okay. She likes shells.
*End of sample conversation*

That could change. Mostly what bothers me is my work-centric focus. What do other people talk about?
I am on a mission to find out. So far I've heard:
movies, children's books, partying, relationships, guys, girls, celebrities... (that's all I can think of right now).

In other news, aloe juice is really good. It's like kinda grape juice, but better 'cause it has squishies in it and a nicer aftertaste.

over 'n out.

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