Monday, March 28, 2011

happiness in strange places

Are happy people dumb? - An article my mom sent me today.
So, based on the conclusions I came to in the 5-1o minutes of reading this, I decided to make myself happy before I attempted to (finish) writ(ing) my paper for Psyc Methods...
...which may or may not have resulted in me cooking and watching youtube videos until almost midnight.
It's the new way to procrastinate! Make yourself so happy you can work!
Um. Yeah. Anyways. All that to say... I was watching videos by this Filipino girl on youtube ('cause I just can't get behind my own ethnicity, apparently) and was made absurdly happy by figuring out that Tagalog (the Filipino language) does not have a labiodental fricative (or /f/ sound).
*nerd moment*
I then proceeded to look the phonology of Tagalog up on wikipedia to confirm this monumental discovery, and giggled - yes. giggled.- happily to myself when I saw that I was right.

Which brings me to my conclusion that you can never tell what will make you happy.
Apparently figuring out the phonology of languages I know next to nothing about from listening to their accents in English is one of the things that makes me happy.
Let me just go put on my nerd glasses here, just a minute... B-)

hurray for doing next-to-no schoolwork today and feeling only minimally guilty about it! ('cause I'm happy! xD)

over 'n out!

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