Tuesday, March 1, 2011

two worlds

spring break.

i had planned to spend a week with some friends at a beach, chillin', talking, cooking, walking around random places, and taking pictures.

it's looking more like i'll be spending spring break with some friends, at a beach, arranging meetings for the next couple of weeks, catching up on reading for my classes, and doing the background work for a project in my methods class.

it will be a relief not to have this constant stream of more information and tasks i need to complete, to have a week in which i can simply focus on catching up. but... spring break should not be catch up time! spring break should be calm the eff down time.

why do we push ourselves so hard? what is it we intend to accomplish with this perfect imbalance of Things To Get Done and Ability To Rest?

I wish the world were different. I feel like I have two worlds... the real world of things-I-have-to-do-for-school-and-the-future and the real world of things-I-want-to-do-because-they-have-intrinsic-worth-beyond-personal-gain. Why should the two be compartmentalized?!?

over 'n out.

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