Monday, June 9, 2008

meets, failings, and other summer firsts

So this summer has been full of firsts for me. I here list them, in the hopes of discovering that I've actually learned something from 'em.
1. First time driving a car.
2. First time taking a driving test
3. First time failing a driver's test
4. First time being on a swim team
5. First time swimming butterfly
6. First time doing a flip-turn
7. First time participating in a swim meet
8. First time understanding the between-the-lines part of a conversation w/an American peer (this is big. Like, huge. People always talk between-the-lines, and once you start to catch on, you can officially say that you've acculturated)
9. First time filling out a job app.
10. First time meeting triplets
11. First time taking care of 3 kids under 9 all by myself
12. First time passing a drivers test
13. First time driving somewhere all. by. myself.
14. First time watching my sister drive
15. First time driving someone else

So yeah, those are several of this summer's firsts. I've been doing other things I've never done before, but they don't count as firsts, since they're either one-time things, or sound too small to count (like all the different swimming techniques I've been observing/learning/trying to force my body to imitate)
The way life looks right now, there are only more firsts to come. Huzzah! This is the whirligig of change that I love to go through every several years.


mandrews said...

Hurray for firsts! How fun for you to get to try new things!!!

hannah said...

kate, next year you will have to help me because i am behind in the whole relating to people thing, specifically americans. ahg.

i'm glad you had all those firsts. they sound exciting.

Anonymous said...

Kaaaate! Know what? know what? Our english selectivitat listening was about Michael Palin... Familiar?
MOOONTY PYTHOOON!(The traveller one) :DDDDD
I MUST have 10 marks, I MUST!

tomorrow, economy yeah! Please kill me xD

Eschew obfuscation! said...

NOO!!! YOu're kidding! That's hilarious! lol! so what did they ask you?
good luck w/economy... ecks, better you than me.

Anonymous said...

Nothing really specific, the listening was about the travells that Michael Palin did. And things like that, very easy.

Además puse uuna atención especial en cariño a los Monty Pyton, asique si no saco un 10 será un insulto xD