Saturday, June 28, 2008


So I am now living in the woods. Yesterday I saw two groundhogs, I forget how many squirrels, and a doe. Apparently having seen only one doe is unusual. There are two houses next to this one that are literally being taken over by the woods. You can see them through the tangle because they're white and still somewhat standing upright. I am sure that they are wildlife havens. Out here you can really see the battle between woods and civilization (if you want to call a house or two civilization). Other wildlife includes about 50 billion dust mites and lots of mold, mildew, and moss. Thankfully a lot of this was purged out of the house by its former inhabitants, but we're still fighting. It's kinda nice, really, apart from the whole dust thing. The house has lots of sun and there are trees all around, but at the same time, it isn't in the middle of nowhere.
And now for something, completely different.
I got to hang out with one of my good friends yesterday. I hadn't seen her in a year and a half...
we talked for I think two hours. It was good. Good, in part, to actually see and hear her talk, instead of reading words off a screen. =)
that's all for now, folks. Hope your day is a good one.
over 'n out.


Anonymous said...

Hey nice holidays huh? Woods and squirrels? You're in heaven :D
By the way, I passed my selectividad exams well, and I want you to know that I have 8,8 in english ^^ My best mark in the whole selectividad :D

Im so proud of myself xD
step by step Im getting near to Australia :P

Hope you a great summer!

Anonymous said...

Spain wins the Eurocopa xD


Eschew obfuscation! said...

respeto lo de la Eurocopa... lo se!! es increĆ­ble!
respeto la sele...
DUDE!!! That's awesome!!!! :D congrats on your grade in english and on passing well.
australia isn't gonna know what hit it when you get there. :P

hannah said...

i want to talk and not read words off a screen. but i guess phone calls are almost as good. :)