Thursday, September 11, 2008


College students are some of the most careless people, as regards stuff, that I have ever met. Well, excepting toddlers. Still, I'm not going there right now. See, I've been walking around campus for about two weeks now, and I keep finding things people have lost: about 10 hair ties, 8 pens, 2 pencils, a necklace, a blackberry (yeah, the phone), lip-balm, and a key, among other things. What's even more interesting though, is that I also tend to find the people these things belong to. Not the pens and pencils, but the necklace turned out to belong to my RA, the blackberry to a guy standing on the sidewalk talking to his mother, and one of the hair ties to my best friend.
How do these things happen? Why does no-one else see? Makes me wonder if anyone but me has noticed the weirdly strong cobwebs that grow all over the holly bushes....
over 'n out!
the slightly-more-observant person

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