Sunday, September 21, 2008


I think there are a couple things I need to admit to myself... just admit, not pore over. But not ignore either.
- the idea of a permanent and perfect "home" almost brought me to tears last week.
- i depend on certain people, good friends, to be my real social interaction, instead of looking for that where i am
- i have refused to do much/any work this week because i would much rather hide from the fact of my current existence.
and there you have it.
these are the things i have been hiding from, but which lurk in the back of my consciousness. you can laugh at them. they are probably funny to someone with different values from mine, or different experiences.
it's just a fact i have to live with... though i call "home" wherever my bed and stuff happen to be at the moment (even if that's a hotel)
i don't have a home. i probably never will.
over 'n out.

1 comment:

hannah said...

that was brave kate. i feel those things too. just know that i love you, and i think we are both doing okay where we are. for real.