Monday, September 29, 2008

computer issues

I find it hard to get on the computer and be productive. I always want to get on msn, or facebook, or hulu, and chill out. So though the computer has programs for paper writing and correcting, researching, studying, taking notes, and a myriad of other things, I find myself drawn automatically to the pursuit of time-wastery (yes, i just used a made-up word) starting with e-mail.
Only when almost all sources of entertainment (including blogging... should be working NOW) have been exhausted do I turn my mind to other, more pressing matters. Why is this? Argh.
Self-control. That's what I'll be practicing for the next little while.

1 comment:

Annalisa said...

oh yes. The wonders of the modern world. Well, hang in there, and keep up the self-control. I'd like to tell you that it gets better but, I would be lying to you :P It never comes easy... that is why it is called self-CONTROL. You are suppressing human nature by trying to avoid avoiding your work :) Good luck~