Saturday, November 28, 2009


to Dr. E, of the psych dep't:

"Birds they fly so high, and they can shit on your head, yeah they can
almost fly into your eye and make you feel so scared but when you
look at them, and you see that they're beautiful,
that's how I feel about you." -Kate Nash

Or in my words, you're scary, and annoying as heck, but you're an admirable sort of person. ...I'd just prefer to admire you from far away, outside your circle of influence.
the end.


تَرَفّ said...

waw really cute .
I found ur blog near to mine so “neighbor” I just want to say hi :)

Eschew obfuscation! said...

thanks. =) and hi. =)
i tried to read your blog but, well... i'm not very good at reading arabic script. =(
thanks for stopping by tho!