Sunday, November 8, 2009


This weekend it was my turn to clean the bathroom. There are four of us, and each of us takes one week of the month. Convenient, right? The bathroom stays clean, and everyone has very little work. In theory, yes. In practice, not really.
See, the four of us form a sort of continuum of bathroom-cleaning assiduousness. My roomie is probably the cleanliest, then myself, then our brunette suite-mate, and the most reluctant to clean would be our blonde suite-mate. So what generally happens is that the bathroom gets a good sound cleaning once every two weeks, and in between my roomie and I grumble to one another that K and E really just don't know how to clean a bathroom. Their version of "cleaning" is sweeping everything off of the counter and swishing a sponge around the sink, despite the fact that SOMEHOW their mothers neglected to teach them how to flush the toilet after peeing, or keep said pee off of the toilet seat. Go figure. I ask no questions. (And then they have the gall to post little notes around saying things like "please don't leave your dishes on the sink counter, clean or dirty- we've seen ants and beetles!" *note: there are NO BEETLES and the ants stay strictly in our room; their vendetta is against me and me alone).
But to get back to my point. Today, I cleaned the bathroom. I cleaned it so thoroughly and with such vigor that my mother would have been proud. And that's saying something, because Mom has NEVER been satisfied with my cleaning. EVER. She has that motherly talent for finding the one little spot in the very back corner that you may have missed out of sheer reluctance to squeeze and huff and puff your sponge all the way into it. Not today, though. Today I scrubbed every tile in the shower, removed every hair, swilled out every last speck of dirt that was swill-out-able (it IS a dorm bathroom after all... some dirt just WON'T. COME. OFF. It is ingrained there for the ages to come). I even mopped, despite my roomie's protestations that there's really no need to mop (I really don't know why she's convinced of that, considering how thorough she is with everything else). And that's what scares me.
Am I destined to become my mother??
Complaining about how other people don't clean the bathroom properly, devoting an hour of my time to scrubbing every last inch of the blasted thing?
Aaaaaagh! *creepy haunting music*
the end.


Anonymous said...

steph and i only clean the bathroom when one of us complains to the other :P or when people are going to visit... but you guys, every week! *is impressed*

hannah said...

oh kate. you make me giggle. i do the same thing. while i was working for food service i found myself cleaning things that obviously had gone weeks without a scrub down (that is a long time in the food service world)

good for you, i say!