Monday, December 13, 2010

activity wish list

...aaaaaand DONE. No more school for me! For almost an entire month! =)

I haven't had this much free time in... um.... a year? I think? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it has happened. I do not have a job over Christmas break. What to do?! There are at least twenty days for which I have absolutely nothing planned. I am looking forward with twinges of excitement, dread, curiosity, worry, relief, and... well, a bunch of other things too.

Hello holidays! Come, vacation, let's you and me talk... =)
I want to:
  • Hang out with
- friends: S & her friends, G, and A.
-family: including babysitting, but also hanging with the adults. Maybe I'll take Aunt A Christmas shopping or something....
  • Make my cooking 10x better.
  • Keep my house relatively clean. (GET THE DRYER FIXED ALREADYYYYY)
  • Go shopping for:
-my roommate, to help her pick out a new wardrobe (highly necessary!!)
-Christmas presents for: roommate, nuclear family, one person from extended family
  • Find ways to decorate my house/finish up the decorations I already have planned. (make it look really lived in, you know?)
  • Take some AMAZING pictures for the last few days of the 365 project (and not miss any more days, lol)
  • Explore the city I've lived in for so many(ish) years and still don't know very well.
  • Spend as little money as possible.
Um.... this list will be added to. When I think of more stuff. :P


hannah said...

add to the list: call hannah. :)

TheMicrophone said...

oh, you're definitely in there, never fear. Right up top with the "friends". =)
Saturday work for you??