Thursday, February 10, 2011

Methods Madness

Do you feel the urge to throttle Dr. B? To run out of class and jump out of a third-floor window? To scream at the top of your lungs until you go hoarse? To cry and give up and just get an F in the class already with an "eff that"? 'Cause I do. But you know what I'm doing with all of that?
I'm putting it in a box like this:

Sealing said box with duct-tape like this:

And marking "OPEN IN APRIL" on the top in black sharpie.
Just so you know- I'm really unsure of what might happen in April when I open that box. :S
It may all have dissipated by then... or it may express itself in crazy bouts of the abovementioned escape-behaviors, or some kind of mourning behavior (think PTSD) - I'm really hoping for the first option.

But for now. It is all in a box. A closed box, the closing of which will allow me to complete my extremely specific, micromanaged, almost-insurmountable tasks with ease and aplomb.
I realize it's not healthy, but... we do what we have to.
Tally ho!


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