Tuesday, November 2, 2010


To that kid who was sitting in front of me:
Next time, please go easy on the aftershave (or cologne, deodorant, whatever). Like, 999/1000ths easier. Don't force the rest of us to compulsively hold our breath for 45 minutes until, not being able to stand it anymore, we are compelled to get up in the middle of lecture to look for seats further back (by AT LEAST two rows) just so we can get away from your stench. Next time, please just brush your teeth or take a shower with actual soap instead. I guarantee you, that will do better at both a) removing any stench from this weekend's partying/camping/other adventures and b) getting you in good with... well, I was going to say ladies, but with anyone you want to actually think well of you, really. Whatever pheromones they are telling you is in that stuff, it cannot possibly help you out if you lay it on like that.
So. I hope its clear. Don't be that kid. Don't suffocate your classmates. And if you absolutely HAVE to use that much scent, at least have the decency to muffle it by keeping your sweatshirt on.
Thank you.

over 'n out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG yes. And they're on the bus too! >_<