Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things I am thankful for today:
that my apartment feels so much homier than a college dorm.
that I don't have to smell pot on a regular basis.
that I don't have to eat Sodexo all the time and can buy my own groceries.
that I have friends who are very happy with me crashing at their place on a weekend.
that there are grander stories to long for than just "living in the moment".

and on the note of that last one, lately whenever someone asks me, "so how's your day going?" I have to stop. and think: wait, what DID I do today? - Which is not ok. That, I think, is living TOO much in the moment. I'm so busy I've taken to just letting go anything that is past as not-nearly-as-important-as-the-fifteen-things-I-have-to-get-done-next. Which is also not ok. I would like to restore a sense of connectivity (and peace) to my life, and to do that- well, I'm gonna come up with something, very soon.
over 'n out.

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