Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Rule of "Good enough"

I realized yesterday that I mostly live by the rule of "good enough".

My clothes are always in piles on the floor or the bed, according to how dirty they are...
it's not a perfect system, but it's good enough.

There are always dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, but I do put away the perishable food...
it's not a perfect system, but it's good enough.

I always do the readings for class, but don't make the writing portions to my own standards (which are quite high), only to the point where the prof will think I have...
they're never perfect, but they're good enough.

...and so on, and so forth. In Spanish it's called "la ley del mínimo esfuerzo," and teachers and elders used to throw it in our faces all the time: you do just what you need to get by, not an ounce more. It's taken me three years away from that to find a good translation for it, but I finally have (though I didn't realize it 'til I started thinking about what I meant by it):

The rule of "good enough"

It's ok, I think, to live by this rule in some areas of our lives. But there must be areas for which we find it unacceptable, for which "good enough" just is not enough.
What is it for you?

over 'n out.

The above is merely one example of the results of me being really, really good at paper-avoidance strategies. xD